
  • Food and Love?

    People may not think of food as having a connection to love, but I do think it does. Love brings out the romance between two people, and what better way to bring romance than through food. There are many ways of sharing a meal, such as having a romantic picnic or a fashionable dinner. Even a simple coffee can become a base for a truly loving relationship. Food and love is a combination that people have used for centuries, and I do not believe it will go anywhere. Because food is an excellent way of sharing time with another person, and a great way of getting closer to someone, someone…

  • Just a Bite of Weirdness

    Love cannot be without a bite of weirdness. We all have quirks and strange ways of acting, especially when we are in love. Love brings out of us not just our true selves but all the weirdness that we each have. I once saw a video of a couple singing and dancing, one playing the tambourine and the other singing how his wife was. To the outside looking it, it can be weird to those who would never do such a thing. But to them, they are just in love. Even after years of being together, they can still be weird with each other. So I say let us embrace…

  • Going the Distance

    Relationships come in many different shapes and sizes, as some would say. I think there are key things that keep a relationship and things that can destroy a relationship, which I have blogged about throughout the years I have been blogging. And I will continue to say how I feel and what I deem necessary when it comes to relationships and love. I think everyone deserves love and can have love in their life. It is all about perspective. Yet one thing I feel strongly about and feel is lacking a lot in today’s world is going the distance in a relationship. Now what does that mean? Going the distance…

  • Its a Cop-out

    Honesty is overrated. Whoever says that does not understand the value of being honest. But yet, people are not even honest with themselves because of fear. Fear of hurting others, fear of being discovered, fear of commitment, etc. But honesty is of the utmost importance when it comes to a healthy and loving relationship. Yes, different aspects are fundamental in a relationship, such as communication, patience, understanding, etc. Yet, honesty is a driving force behind any element of a healthy relationship and love. Honesty is what makes all other aspects work because without honesty, having good communication skills does not count. Or being understanding cannot work because you are being…

  • Lucky in Love

    I know that not everyone is lucky with love. And I feel that sometimes it can cause a person to become down on themselves. I think when a person feels that they are not lucky with love, this is when they need to take a good hard look at themselves. I am not saying something is wrong with the person, but maybe just maybe, something needs to be worked on so that love can come and stay.  Many times I heard people tell me about how love is just not a thing anymore, for they cannot seem to hold onto it any. But I say it is not because you…

  • Love Means Showing Up

    Showing up is a big part of a relationship, but it goes deeper than just being there. It means being present at the moment. Being present at the moment means you are there, listening, participating and not causing any trouble or hurt to those around you. You are there for your partner, which is the only thing that should matter. There are moments for us and moments for our partners, which should make a difference in how we act and react in situations. Being there does not mean avoiding. It does not mean complaining or making excuses. Being present means showing up for your partner. Nowadays, people tend to forget…

  • See the Romance

    Not everyone is romantic, so they say, but I say people are romantic in different ways. Not everyone is romantic in a way that is like in movies. And yes, some people like that kind of romance that does something special, buy romantic presents or creates a certain mood. I cannot say that anyone has ever done such things to me, but I have seen others receive this romantic gesture. As much as this can be thrilling and fun to receive, I feel that not everyone has that kind of ability to create romantic gestures. We all are different, and how we see and act romantically is different. To one…

  • 4th of July

    Not in my country but in the USA, there is a widely celebrated holiday, the fourth of July. It is similar to the first of July, Canada Day here in Canada. But in the USA, it is celebrated with love and fun it is incredible to participate in. I have been there celebrating this holiday, and it is mainly fun and can be an exciting way to spend time with your loved ones.  Fireworks are a huge part of celebrating this event, and what better way to spend time with your partner than sitting on a blanket and watching the fireworks above your head. The amazing moment that can bring…

  • Kissing

    We all kiss, whether with our partner or another loved one, kissing is how we show how we feel toward another person. We all do it, whether it is love or fondness or just plain liking another. It does not matter your background, culture, or religion. We all kiss. A kiss is a sign of friendship and love toward the other. Now different kinds of kisses create certain feelings we would have with certain people. Such as we would not French kiss our grandmother. But each type of kiss creates a feeling of love and fondness.  In the world we live in today, it is clear that we take certain…

  • Is There a Right Way to Love?

    As a writer, I tend to do research a lot because I like to know that what I am writing is accurate in some form or fashion. I am not always accurate, but I like making things appear realistic. Yet in my research, I have found that people often want to think or believe there is a right way to love. But in all the stories I have read, there is no straight path to love. Sometimes love is messy, sometimes, it is straightforward, and sometimes love is boring. There is no way to know. However, I have realized that many people think of love as some grand gesture or…