Blog,  Blogs 2023

4th of July

Not in my country but in the USA, there is a widely celebrated holiday, the fourth of July. It is similar to the first of July, Canada Day here in Canada. But in the USA, it is celebrated with love and fun it is incredible to participate in. I have been there celebrating this holiday, and it is mainly fun and can be an exciting way to spend time with your loved ones. 

Fireworks are a huge part of celebrating this event, and what better way to spend time with your partner than sitting on a blanket and watching the fireworks above your head. The amazing moment that can bring two people is a perfect way to spend time together. It is a moment of togetherness that is unlike any other. Because no voices are heard, only watching the fireworks and maybe some hand-holding is a good way of showing how much you care about the other person when no words are spoken. 

I like fireworks, yet it has been a long while since I have seen some. And being there with people you love can be a good feeling. As much as a person can do it alone, I much rather be there watching the fireworks with someone I care about. So grab a blanket and your partner or someone you care about, and on this fourth of July, find a spot and enjoy fireworks together. And maybe if you are up for some kissing with your partner, how romantic can that be.