• Our Attitude

    I am always reading things about how parents should which what kind of attitude they have with their children because it can form the kid into certain ways. As much as I agree with this, I also think that it is not something that should be watched when with kids. We should watch our attitude with everyone. Have you ever heard of the ripple effect? The ripple effect is that what you do or say has a lasting effect moving from one person to the next. As an example, if you have a negative attitude, such as yelling at a person because they bumped you at the store, then this…

  • Important Things About Love

    Recently I read something that I found good and interesting. It was about important things that a person should remember about love. And I can say that it was very accurate. Some of the things to think about were: When you are in a relationship, do not presume that the other person feels that you love them. This is so true because most people do not communicate well and sometimes will not say how they are truly feeling in the relationship. We should always have date nights, whether it is to stay in or go out, being together is so important. Communication is important in every aspect that needs to…

  • Love Comes

    I have returned from vacation, although will go again in August. But I thought to write a small something for those who would like to read it. Love can come in different ways. It does not have a perfect way of being. Love can be easy as much as it can be complicated. Love can be fun as much as it can be work. Love can be a slow burn as much as it can be a spontaneous passionate affair. Love is different for everyone. But we should always embrace love. Yes, it means we can get hurt along the way. But if we do not embrace love, then we…

  • Vacation Time

    There is something that every couple should do together and that is taking a vacation. There is something about getting out of the house for a week and spending time together. It is important to get that quality time that is just for the two of you. A couple needs to have that kind of time. It can also let you know how well a couple is together. If you even have doubts about your partner a good way to see if you are good together is to go away together. See if there is any fighting, or if there is no talking when you are together. This shows you…

  • Parts of Love

    In life, love is a beautiful thing to have. But something that not everyone knows is that love comes in many forms. But there are three parts to love that we all need in any relationship. The first is commitment. In relationships, there needs to be an amount of commitment for love to grow. It is important for a good relationship to have a sense of commitment.  The second is intimacy. This is not the sexual part of a relationship but the closeness you have with the other person. Where you can talk about anything and feel comfortable with telling the person anything even your deep dark secrets and trust…

  • Time

    A man who dares to waste one hour of time has not discovered the value of life. Charles Darwin Many things comprise within love. However, the most valuable part of love is time. We all live on this earth for a limited time, our time is limited and this means what we do with our time makes a difference. We should always spend our time wisely. I like the saying “quality over quantity”, this means that how we use our time is much more important than the amount of time spent. So when you are with your loved ones use your time wisely. Share, do something with them. This is…

  • Love even the imperfections 

    Cause all of me Loves all of you Love your curves and all your edges All your perfect imperfections Give your all to me I’ll give my all to you You’re my end and my beginning Even when I lose, I’m winning ‘Cause I give you all of me And you give me all of you,  Song by John Legend This is a little snippet of a song by John Legend all of me and I love this song. This song is a great picture of how love should be. Love is all about seeing the person for who they are but loving them anyway even if they are not…

  • Wonderful Love

    “I saw that you were perfect, and so I loved you. Then I saw that you were not perfect and I loved you even more.” – Angelita Lim Love is a wonderful thing. It is something that goes beyond anything that is on this earth. But what makes love so wonderful to have? It is because we not only share our worlds with someone, we get close and intimate with the person. Love is not just being there for the good times but also for the bad times. No one is perfect on this planet, yet we can still see how someone can be great with us. This is how…

  • Life without love

    “The best love is the kind that awakens the soul; that makes us reach for more, that plants the fire in our hearts and brings peace to our minds.” — Nicholas Sparks I believe in love and that everything we should have, however many do not always see love as an important thing in their life. Many fear it or run from it. I say we should embrace love. When we fight against our hearts it can cause havoc in our lives. So I say don’t right love embrace love and you will see a much different world. Now that does not mean that love is always easy, love is…

  • Is love all we need?

    We are always hearing that all we need is love or that love conquers all, but I believe that it is a bit faulty. Yes, we need love for any relationship to bloom but we need more than the fleeting love that seems to always be around us. To be fair if we have true love then love is all that we need because love doesn’t treat people the way we are treating people. But in the world of today, saying love is all we need is fruitless because people don’t understand what love is. So let’s start by understanding love, let’s start by learning what true love is. Because…