Christmas Decorations
Now we all know decorating can become such a hassle. The tangle of the lights, the changing of the busted bulbs, the hanging up so high you need a ladder, and the cold outdoors (well, for some of us). But all this frustration and annoyance never prepares us for the effects once it is all up. The beauty of the lights, glistening on the snow. How they twinkle in the moonlight, like as if the stars were colored and close by.
One of my favorite activities is walking outside and looking at all the beautiful decorations that people have put up for the world to enjoy. The beauty of it astounds me every time. For I know the time and effort put into decorating, for I do it too. I decorate not just my outside but my inside. And I enjoy it. What can be better than having a Christmas tree all light up in a dark room, the wonder of it, the magic that seems to linger in the room?
Maybe I am a bit too romantic, maybe not, but there is so much romance in the Christmas season.