Christmas time
As we start the month of December and Christmas is coming, everyone is rushing to get decorations, presents, and food done for Christmas. And I am just as much a culprit in this seasonal behavior. But I love Christmas. It is my most favorite time of year. It is also one of the most romantic times of the year. And I know some people will say it’s not, but nothing can be more romantic than Christmas time for me. The movies, the fireplaces, the curling up with a loved one sipping hot chocolate, what could be better.
Christmas time is a time for joy and happiness. It is a time to celebrate the year’s end and look forward to a better new year. It is time to look over what we have done and what we may like to do in the new year. Christmas time is time to share with family, friends, and loved ones. It is the time to share a small moment with those you love and show them how much you appreciate having them in your life.
I know not everyone celebrates Christmas. And that Christmas is not everyone’s cup of tea. But for me, it is the time of year that I become most inspired by ideas. It is the time of year that anything can happen, even in my writing. I guess people can say I am a Christmas-aholic.
Am I the only one?