
  • Summer

    With summer on its way and the temperatures heating up, we can enjoy more picnics and eat outside with a glass of wine or other outdoor activities. It is the time of year that we spend the most outside. Although some are out even in the middle of winter, I find more people outside in summer enjoying the nice weather than in any other season. Picnics are a popular way of enjoying time with your partner. Where you can enjoy pleasant conversation and food. Another way is walking in nature. It is a beautiful way to allow love to bloom.  I find that summer is the time to renew and…

  • What we do for Love!

    In my experience, people tend to do almost anything for love. They endure many hardships and would go far beyond things they should, just for love. Yet now I see that in certain things, this can be the wrong way of doing things. Yes, we should do anything for the one we love. But it has to be a two-way street. This is what makes a difference. In my book, I always portray people doing extreme things for one another. But I find that in real life, only one person is often willing to go to an extreme more than the other. I think the key here is that both…

  • Love and Balance

    Love is a complex term. Each person can see this term in different ways. How can we understand a term that has multiple ideas and definitions? I know that we all have ways of seeing things. We all perceive things differently. Some will say you change for a loved one, and some will say you are accepted as who you are. I say that there is a balance of both. I believe that in some aspects if the person is meant to be, they will not change who you are as a person, yet will also want to push you to become your best self. This is how I know…

  • Communication or Lack of?

    I am finding that people are so quick to quit a relationship these days. This is not a rule, but I do find that many of my friends tend to be fast at quitting instead of working things out. And I find this very sad. I believe that sometimes we have no choice in leaving a relationship. But what happened to communication before leaving? I am seeing a lack of communication these days. Because of online dating and the world we are becoming, people can be more fake or misrepresent who they truly are. This, in turn, creates a lot of fakeness and encourages people to not communicate with each…

  • Love Means Liking at Your Worst

    Love does mean liking the other person even if they are at their worst. This means when they are down and out of luck when they are themselves, they take away all the filters or makeup that creates a better version of themselves. Love means they are there if the person is going through a sad moment or when they are angry. Love means sharing our true selves with each other and liking each moment. Love means having the patience to understand and caring enough to communicate when things are wrong. Yes, there will be challenging moments. Yes, there will be times that you will not like certain things with…

  • One More Book Done

    I love when I have finished a book. It makes me feel so accomplished that one more story comes from me. I love writing. It makes me feel good when I have another book finished. I do not know what it is, but I love sharing my work with the world, which means finishing books. I am sure we all have something that we love to do and feel accomplished in doing. For me, it is in my writing. I love stories, incredibly romantic stories. When a man and woman meet, how they react and their love story. Sometimes they find each other in the worst of situations and have…

  • Love Grows

    I am in the middle of writing a new book and I love writing the parts where the person has realized how much they love the person they are with. Sometimes in life we are around the right person yet we do not see it. Or even at times we think this person is this or that, we do not know the potential and the love is hidden deep inside us. Not everyone can be up front and know that they have found their person right away. Sometimes it takes time to realize who we have around us. And sometimes we become friends and that shared love grows between two…

  • Is Love Gone?

    I was watching a clip of someone speaking, and they said that nowadays, with how people look at relationships, that love seems almost gone from relationships. I have to disagree with this. I think people fail to understand the differences between love and lust and do not understand relationships. Yes, we all have standards. That is a normal part of knowing what we want and what would fit us best. But love does not go by rules and regulations. Love comes and grows, and that small connection turns into a bigger one. I think people need to realize that this world may revolve around money and sex, but we do…

  • Flowers

    The very essential part of spring is the flowers. I do love seeing the flowers bloom everywhere I go. My favourites are daisies, but I also love lilac and tulips. All flowers are great to see. But I am more partial to those we see that are not the usual flowers we see. And when it comes to giving me flowers, I like the person to think outside of the box. Do not give me roses or carnations, something you see everywhere. I much prefer something different or one of my favourites.  Flowers can be very romantic as well. If your partner gives you something you like, it can show…

  • Easter

    Easter is coming, and even though it is not seen as the most romantic holiday, it can be a holiday to share with family, friends, and your partner. Starting some spring activities, such as picnics and walks outside, can be fun. Some of these activities can be romantic, such as a picnic in the park. Easter is also full of colour. This means taking out our summer and spring clothes and wearing more colours. Easter is also the time for flowers, and what is not more fun than to get some flowers from a loved one. And we cannot forget the chocolate. My favourite is dark chocolate, especially coffee beans…