Are You Listening?
Listening is a skill that I believe most people do not use to its full potential. Listening is an important part of a relationship because it allows you to know where you stand with the other person. However, you need to know how to listen effectively. Anyone can use their ears to hear what others are saying, but a part of listening is actually retaining the information that the other person shared with you. Listening is also hearing how the person feels while they are speaking. Effective listening is not just hearing, it is much more.
In a relationship, it is important to listen effectively to your partner because they will clue you into many things as long as you pay attention. However, many people tend to forget to actually pay attention to what is truly said and not just what they wish to hear or argue. Many fights and arguments start because people are not effectively listening to each other.
We need to hear what our partner tells us, all of it. And pay attention to how they feel. Because it can leave the other person feeling alone and uncherished because how they feel and what they say goes unheard. It can make the person feel uncared for and rejected. It can also lead to breakups because people are not listening fully to the other’s speaking.
Listening is a key foundation in any conversation. So, when a person speaks take the time and absorb what the person is saying instead of quickly replying to what you believe was said. Stop and listen to each word instead of jumping to conclusions. Try to hear a person for what is said and not how you believe should be said. Life is hard enough, so do not make it harder by not effectively listening to your partner. Believe in what they say and put your personal opinions and judgements aside to hear what is truly being said.