• When You Are Apart

    Have you even been apart from your partner for a certain amount of time? Whether it is for a business trip or vacation, or for whatever the reason for having to be far from the person you love, it can be difficult.  Trying to go about your day in a different manner because what you are used to is not there, this can also give you a sense of longing for this person.  You can really know how much you actually care for a person when you are apart from them for a lengthy period because it allows you to really think about how much you miss them. What do…

  • Checking in

    Sometimes it is nice that you take a step back and check in on yourself. Look at everything that has happened what you would like to see happen and steps you can take to go in the direction of what you want out of life. This concept is also good in relationships. We should take a step back as see how we can do better as a couple and as an individual. This helps promote growth.  Now I know that some people will say that they have nothing they wish to change. The way I see it is that whether you are looking as a couple or as an individual,…

  • Heartbreak

    “Real love brings pain. Real love means sacrifices and hurt and all the thousand shocks of life. But it also means beauty, true beauty.” Anne Elisabeth Stengl Some of the hardest things to do is dealing with heartbreak. When you fall in love with someone and you realize that they do not love you back, this can be devastating. It does not matter if you are a man or a woman, heart break is hard for everyone. But sometimes we must push through heartbreak to come to a better place and a better version of who we are. As much as heartbreaks are challenging and can be painful, it is…

  • Working on a New Book

    I have been so busy of late, working on a new book. I am hoping to have one out by April. How wonderful that would be. I feel it has been a while since my last published book, so it is about time I have another one come out. The title is Forever Mine and I hope everyone enjoys it once it is out.  The book is all about love, of course. Romance is my passion, so I will continue to write as many love stories as I can. It is the second book in the Stapleton series. So, pick up the first book, Foolish love, so you can further…

  • The Real You

    It can be scary sometimes to show those you love the real you. Who we are plays a huge part in every relationship. It is important that our partners and those we love to see you for who we are. Especially in a relationship of love, how can we know if it is true love, if we do not show our partner who we truly are. I say that we should always be who we are no matter the person that we are. Yes, we can always improve on who we are, but we need to start somewhere. And what one person does not like with you another may love…

  • Merry Christmas and happy new year

    I hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas and the new year is just around the corner. Enjoy this time of the year to spend with family and friends and with all those you love. And start the new year on the right foot, with hopes and goals. Try to find time to spend with those you care about as well as enjoy the year 2025. Make this new year full of memories and fun. And find time for a bit of romance too. Happy holidays.

  • Quality time at Christmas

    One thing I like about Christmas is being around people you care about. Christmas is all about those you care for. It is more than buying presents or all the decorations. It is about togetherness. Taking the time to be with those you love. This is something we should do all year around, yet many do not take the time to spend with those they care about. Love is a great thing, but what is love if you do not take the time to enjoy the person you are with. Christmas is a good reminder to spend quality time with those you live with and enjoy each minute you have…

  • Christmas Time

    I cannot believe how fast this year has gone. I have been so busy with all the Christmas things to do, that I was even forgetting my blogs. This year has been quite a year, and this Christmas time is just as full and amazing. One thing I love to do during the Christmas season is going to all the Christmas markets. I love looking at all the things that people can create during Christmas time. The lovely decorations, the exciting new things that I have not seen before. Even trying new flavors or old ones is fun. Christmas will always remain my favorite time of year. So, take out…

  • Christmas in the Air

    Although we are not in December yet, we are close enough to start experiencing all that beautiful Christmas magic. How much I love Christmas. Everything that has to do with Christmas is fun. One thing that I find a wonderful time to do this time of year is looking at Christmas lights.  Walking down the street at night, when there is a fresh coat of snow on the ground, looking at the lights, is a very romantic way to spend time with your partner. And it costs nothing but time. I always say to everyone I know, it is not the amount of time spent but the quality of the…

  • Pick Me Up

    I have always thought that every relationship is a give and take. You cannot have a good relationship with always being the one giving or taking. It must be shared between the two people. We need to find partners who are there to pick us up when we need support as much as we should pick them up when they need support. A partnership is a relationship, it means sharing burdens and triumphs.   I want to be with someone who will pick me up when I need support, someone who can see past my worries or fears and can patiently reassure me throughout any issue I come across. I…