
  • Getting Ready

    This is the time of year, where I am putting the Halloween away and getting ready for Christmas. Yes, I am an early bird, but I love this time of year. I will start watchin g my Christmas movies and preparing for all the fun I will have. I like to make plans about when and where to do things. I like to get myself into the mood of Christmas and see all the romance and joy this time of year. Oh yes, I know Thanksgiving is on its way first in some places, but for me, nothing tops Christmas. All the joy and merriment, all the fun and romance.…

  • Finding Someone

    Everyone wants someone to love and to have that love returned. Yet this may be one of the hardest things to acquire in life. We all look for certain qualities and aspects of people and try to find someone who can just put up with us. Yet, I have a different way of looking at this. I do not want someone who is just putting up with me. I want someone who is much more, who sees me differently. I saw this quote on Facebook, how much it rang true, and what I wish to find in a person. This is who I want to find. I want to find…

  • Deep Love

    “Love is like a friendship caught on fire. In the beginning, a flame, very pretty, often hot and fierce, but still only light and flickering. As love grows older, our hearts mature, and our love becomes as coals, deep-burning and unquenchable.” —Bruce Lee. I love this quote because it is very true in many ways. At first, when you are in love, it can be hot and fiery, but this fire tends to die down after a while, but that does not mean there is no love there. Love can continue to grow. If we work at it and grow with each other, it grows deep and unquenchable. It is…

  • Thanksgiving

    It is not Thanksgiving everywhere, but it is this weekend where I live. This is a beautiful holiday that is all about being thankful. And I think we should always take time to see what we are grateful for. We have family, friends, and the world around us. We should be thankful to be alive and healthier or have romance in our lives. And even if you do not have any of these things, be thankful that you could have any of these things. It is all in the mindset. Be positive and thankful. You never know what is around the corner.

  • It’s Fall

    It is crazy how much I love the fall. As the air gets crisp and leaves turn orange, yellow and red, the beauty of this time of year and the coming holidays seems the most magical. We can find romance in everything this time of year.  I love walking around in the fall because of the beauty. It shows us that sometimes change can be a sign of something good. It can be romantic walking with a loved one, looking at the changing colors of the trees. Where I live, this weekend is Thanksgiving, and it is the perfect time to look at your life and be thankful for all…

  • A Standstill?

    Sometimes, in life, I feel like I am at a standstill. I do not know why, but I wonder, am I doing what I should be doing? In relationships, we can often meet this kind of standstill. I do believe in working on things, but there is a point where we must make a decision. Is this person the right one for us? Should we cut them loose or work on things? This is where we end up at a standstill. So, how do we decide to push forward or let go? I think we all have different ideas on how to approach this question. When dealing with love and…

  • Waiting

    Everyone can find one person that makes life so much more significant. Yet, we do not always find that person right away. This is when we should wait. Wait for the right person to come along. Wait for that one person who truly wants to be with you. Wait for someone who gives you time and energy in the right ways. Wait for a person who gives without expectations. Wait for a person who cares about your well-being. Wait for that person who will listen to you and show you effort. Wait for the person who will inspire you to be your best self.  In life, we tend to want…

  • Life happens

    It has been a while since I published another book. I do have one in the workings, but life sometimes just happens. I am sure everyone knows how that feels when you make plans, and they do not go as you wish. But that is when you should reevaluate your plans and make new ones. I will still publish books, for that is my life’s passion. But it may take a little longer than before. I love what I do and would never give it up. However, publishing a book every three months, as I have been for the past two years, is no longer available. But never fear. I…

  • Surprises

    Life is full of surprises, some good and some bad. But one thing we can expect is that life will keep surprising you as you get older. Kids grow up, and things change, yet something that never changes in life is love. People you love may come and go, but love is always around. It is the one thing that has not changed through time. Love is always present in life.  But sometimes, we don’t see it and think we have no love in life. However, I say look at your life. At some point, love is present. Sometimes we love, and sometimes we are being loved, but it is…

  • As I Think…

    As summer is coming to an end, I come to think about many things. How much love can bring hope for any person, how much love is needed, and so much more. I know the holidays are just around the bend, and this brings in the most romantic time of year. For me, anyway, I feel like for some, it is excellent, and for others, it is more sad and depressing. I wish that everyone finds that love that brings happiness, yet so many people, even around me, are not happy. Makes me question why. Why do people stay in loveless marriages or relationships? Why do people settle for mediocrity?…