
  • Hellfire or Holy water

    “She is both, hellfire and holy water. And the flavor you taste depends on how you treat her.” ― Sneha Pal On one hand, you can find a loving and caring partner and then on the other hand you find a hard, screaming, frustrated partner. This comes as no surprise that many people will find their partners in two different moods, the upset mood or the loving mood. However, how did this partner become this way? I am a firm believer that what you pour into your relationship is what you will acquire in return. If you are coming home to someone upset all the time, that means you need to…

  • All About the Little Things

    Love and romance are great but what makes it so great is not the huge romantic moves or the head-over-heels stuff that can happen, but it is in the little things. Casual intimacy is so very important. Because passion is something that can be fleeting as well as blind us to reality. But when there is love, true love, we have small casual intimate moments with our partner and these moments are very important for the love to grow and be sustained. It is not the passion that makes us stay together. Because when times become tough passion can be thrown out of the window. But the small things we…

  • Love is Weird

    Sometimes love comes to you in the weirdest of ways and sometimes you just do not realize it but you have fallen in love. Love is unpredictable at times. Sometimes two people are complete opposites and can find love together and sometimes two people are similar and can find love. There is no rhyme or reason to love. Love just comes and it can go just as fast or slow. Love can be final as much as it can be temporary. This is why love is so unpredictable. We never know when we will fall in love and we never know when it leaves us. Love can be weird as…

  • Love Languages

    I have read the book and have heard a lot about love languages. I think this is something that everyone should learn. As much as I am sure some people would think it’s a bunch of crap, I think that we can still learn something about ourselves and our partners knowing a bit about love languages. The love languages are a set of languages that we all have either one or more and it is a way for us to show and receive love. This is what is the important part of being with a partner. We need to understand how we show love as well as how our partner…

  •  What is in Your Cup?

    I read something that was most interesting. Although it does not completely have to do with love, it can have an impact on how you receive or give love. What is in your cup? This may be a question that most may not even realize how powerful the answer is. If a person bumps you and you have a cup of coffee, coffee will spill. If it is tea, then tea is what is spilled. Not let us think about it metaphorically. What is in your cup, means what is inside you. If someone bumps you, do you yell or do you say it’s okay? How you react to situations…

  • Our Attitude

    I am always reading things about how parents should which what kind of attitude they have with their children because it can form the kid into certain ways. As much as I agree with this, I also think that it is not something that should be watched when with kids. We should watch our attitude with everyone. Have you ever heard of the ripple effect? The ripple effect is that what you do or say has a lasting effect moving from one person to the next. As an example, if you have a negative attitude, such as yelling at a person because they bumped you at the store, then this…

  • Important Things About Love

    Recently I read something that I found good and interesting. It was about important things that a person should remember about love. And I can say that it was very accurate. Some of the things to think about were: When you are in a relationship, do not presume that the other person feels that you love them. This is so true because most people do not communicate well and sometimes will not say how they are truly feeling in the relationship. We should always have date nights, whether it is to stay in or go out, being together is so important. Communication is important in every aspect that needs to…

  • Love Comes

    I have returned from vacation, although will go again in August. But I thought to write a small something for those who would like to read it. Love can come in different ways. It does not have a perfect way of being. Love can be easy as much as it can be complicated. Love can be fun as much as it can be work. Love can be a slow burn as much as it can be a spontaneous passionate affair. Love is different for everyone. But we should always embrace love. Yes, it means we can get hurt along the way. But if we do not embrace love, then we…

  • Vacation Time

    There is something that every couple should do together and that is taking a vacation. There is something about getting out of the house for a week and spending time together. It is important to get that quality time that is just for the two of you. A couple needs to have that kind of time. It can also let you know how well a couple is together. If you even have doubts about your partner a good way to see if you are good together is to go away together. See if there is any fighting, or if there is no talking when you are together. This shows you…

  • Parts of Love

    In life, love is a beautiful thing to have. But something that not everyone knows is that love comes in many forms. But there are three parts to love that we all need in any relationship. The first is commitment. In relationships, there needs to be an amount of commitment for love to grow. It is important for a good relationship to have a sense of commitment.  The second is intimacy. This is not the sexual part of a relationship but the closeness you have with the other person. Where you can talk about anything and feel comfortable with telling the person anything even your deep dark secrets and trust…