A romance novel
I have heard it said that life is not a romance novel. And why not? Why can we not search for the romance novel for ourselves? Maybe our life will not be exactly like a romance novel, but it is our own romance novel and a love story just the same. Whether we go through many people to find that one, or if we find that one right away, no matter the kind of journey we take, every person has a romance story once they find their person.
I believe in love. I want every person to be able to find that true love. I will not say that my life has not been full of only love. I have gone through heartbreak, lies, and cheats. I have survived through distrust and misjudgments. Someone could ask me how I could believe in love when you have been through so much because I know with all my heart that my person is out there. Maybe I have already met him, maybe I have not met him yet, but he is out there. When we stop believing, that is when we lose hope. And I am a firm believer in hope. And hope is what we need to hold onto because what kind of life is there left without hope?