Blog,  Christmas 2022

December Music

As we enter December month, we start hearing Christmas music. How fun and joyful it can be when you are shopping or in the car and Christmas music starts to play that makes you wish to sing along. My favorite is when I am home and baking or cleaning. I will put the Christmas music on so I can sing and dance along with what I am doing. I find it puts more fun into what you are doing. 

One thing I have seen in books but have never experienced is Christmas carolers. We often watch movies where Christmas carolers go to a home and sing. Now I have no clue if that is still done somewhere, although one day, I may find where and experience it for myself. But having Christmas carolers come to your home to sing to you seems a fun experience to have. 

Music is a part of every culture and every home, but Christmas music seems to have a different take on people’s lives because they are always about fun, joy, and love. And the romance that can happen with the right kind of Christmas music in the background. 

My favorite Christmas music is the Carol of the bells and the Christmas song. I like the instruments of the coral of the bells and the sound of the bells. It creates a joyful feeling everything I hear it. And the Christmas song, I love this song because it makes me think of a romantic scenario of cuddling up with the one you love, listening to this song, enjoying a cup of hot chocolate, and just being together. Such a beautifully romantic way to be, and I love it. This is clearly my favorite holiday.

What about you?