Love Languages
I have read the book and have heard a lot about love languages. I think this is something that everyone should learn. As much as I am sure some people would think it’s a bunch of crap, I think that we can still learn something about ourselves and our partners knowing a bit about love languages.
The love languages are a set of languages that we all have either one or more and it is a way for us to show and receive love. This is what is the important part of being with a partner. We need to understand how we show love as well as how our partner receives love. Why is this important? Because it is the way to show our partner that we do truly love them by expressing to them in ways that they would like to see. There is nothing better than for us to show our partner how we love and how we wish to be loved.
Love languages are also a good way of seeing how we can connect. How we see the world and how we enjoy our time with each other. So, I would recommend that everyone reads the love language book. This knowledge is a great tool to have and even if you do not believe in it, you can never have too much knowledge.