To all the men.
This is for all the men out there. Men should pay attention to their women. Why? Because women who talk and fight you means they care. Women who want to help bring out the best in their partners means they are still in the relationship. What most men do not understand is women when they care they talk. So instead of complaining that the woman talks to much or that they bug them too much. But as long as the woman is talking, they care. What a man needs to worry about is when their woman goes quiet. When women are no longer in the relationship, when a woman is checking out, they stop talking. They become quiet. At this point there is no return. When a woman checked out of a relationship, they are already done. This is what men need to understand. It is not when their woman is arguing that they need to worry, it is when the woman stops arguing. So, my advice to all men, if you woman still cares for you, then make sure you care and show them that you are their and will listen. Because the day they go quiet is the day they have checked out of the relationship. And if you care and want your woman and do not want to lose your woman, do not let it get to the point that she checks out.