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Important Things About Love

Recently I read something that I found good and interesting. It was about important things that a person should remember about love. And I can say that it was very accurate.

Some of the things to think about were:

When you are in a relationship, do not presume that the other person feels that you love them. This is so true because most people do not communicate well and sometimes will not say how they are truly feeling in the relationship.

We should always have date nights, whether it is to stay in or go out, being together is so important.

Communication is important in every aspect that needs to be changed. Meaning if there is something in the relationship that is not wrong, that is something that should be talked about.

Love languages are so important to know because how we love each other is different and how we project our love is different. Knowing the needs of our partner should be a priority in a relationship.

It is ok to go to bed angry. There is no reason that things should be solved right away. Sometimes time is important.

We all fight and make mistakes, but there should not just be an ‘I’m sorry’. Sorry, should come with an admission of why and how the person can do better. A sorry should always come with action behind it.

When you are in a relationship for a while, yes sometimes it can get boring. That is when you need to dust off old tricks or learn something new, explore and see what can refresh the relationship. There are no problems with a relationship being boring either. If both parties are on the same page, then who says anything is boring?

Mental health is important and we should always be there for our partner for their mental health as well as physical.

There is never a problem with seeking out therapy. Actually, it is a very healthy thing and it does not mean that there are any problems within the relationship either. Therapy is just a way to bond the couple together, to get closer to one another.

The phone should be turned off at bedtime. To be fair, a phone should be not used when you are spending time with your partner. When we are always on our phones, we are not talking to each other and that can cause a small split between the two people. We should be with each other not just beside each other.

And the most important thing is to love and care for each other. Be nice to your partner, and fight for each other. Love is not always easy, but it is through the challenges that we can learn and grow and love each other even more. It is worth having in our lives, so we should fight for each other and lean on each other.

Love what a wonderful thing.