Different Perspectives
Have you ever wondered about when you are in an argument with your partner and how this sometimes works? Yes, sometimes we argue because someone did something wrong and they do not want to take responsibility for it. Yet most arguments, I firmly believe, are because we just see things differently. Different perspectives on issues will cause us to argue with our partners. But instead of arguing, why not see it from their side of things? If both partners in an argument would take the time to see things from the other, the arguments would not last long because there would be more understanding about each other and why we see things the way we do.
Love is all about understanding. It is not about loving people how they are, but wanting them to be better and being understanding of how others see things. We need to build up our relationships with less arguments and more understanding. This would allow so much more joy in the relationships we have with those we love. So next time you are arguing with someone you care about, think about how the person may see things and try to be more understanding. This is a good way to show someone you love how much you truly love someone.