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Love is Hard

Love is not always easy. Sometimes it is painful, sometimes it is fun and sometimes it is weird. It can be many different things in many different ways. Love is not something we should fear but is something hard to find and keep. I say we should never give up on love, but love means finding someone proud to say to the world that they are with you. Love means fighting for each other. Love means work. Love means appreciating each other even in the little things. Love means respecting each other. Love is unconditional, but also having the desire to be our best selves for each other. Find someone who wants to not just be with you but is scared to lose you. Now that is the love that I wish to have in my love and wish everyone can find. Is love always easy, no. Love can be extremely hard at times.  It can be challenging and make you reevaluate who you are and what you want. But at the end of the day, we need to pick each other, fight for each other and work on ourselves so we can be the best versions of ourselves for our partners.